An upcoming Oregon minimum wage change will see a three-tiered incremental increase. Beginning July 1, 2016, the minimum wage in Oregon will increase at three different rates depending on location within the state.
Blog Category:
Domestic Workers’ Rights
Domestic Workers’ Rights Laws and Household Employment
Over the past six years, we have seen states and cities enacting labor laws to protect domestic workers’ rights. These workers include nannies, housekeepers, drivers, personal assistants, and more. On Nov. 29, 2010, New York State became the first state in the nation...
2016 Household Employment Laws
It’s a new year, and with that come changes or new laws and regulations that impact employers across the country, including household employers. Here is a brief overview of 2016 household employment laws. Minimum Wage Minimum wage changes have already occurred in...
Oregon Sick Leave Law to Take Effect
Under the new Oregon sick leave law beginning January 1, 2016, Oregon employers will be required to provide up to 40 hours of sick time each year, depending on how many hours an employee works. Who Is Covered? The law applies to most employees—exempt, non-exempt,...
California Paid Sick Leave Law Amendments
As employers across the state worked to amend policies and procedures in preparation for California’s paid sick leave law, questions were raised about ambiguities and hurdles to implementation. The California State Legislature responded this spring with Assembly Bill...
Oregon Domestic Workers’ Bill of Rights Signed Into Law
The Beaver State has joined California, Hawaii, Massachusetts, and New York in providing new protections for nannies, housekeepers, and other domestic workers. The Oregon Domestic Workers' Bill of Rights (formally known as The Domestic Workers’ Protection Act) was...
Massachusetts Sick Leave Poster Download
Massachusetts Sick Leave Poster now Available for Download As we have previously reported, the Massachusetts sick leave law begins on July 1, 2015. It requires that all employers in Massachusetts – including household employers – provide 40 hours of sick leave to...
Paid Sick Leave in California Begins July 1st
Also known as the Healthy Workplaces, Healthy Families Act of 2014, the new law requires all employers – including household employers – to provide paid sick leave in California to all employees beginning on July 1, 2015. The law provides that an employee who works in...
Illinois Pregnancy Fairness Law
Since January 1 of this year, Illinois employers with one or more employees - which includes household employers - needed to begin providing accommodations for pregnant employees and new mothers. The pregnancy accommodation law, also known as the Illinois Pregnancy...