Blog Category:

Household Payroll & Taxes

How to Find the Best Nanny Payroll Service

How to Find the Best Nanny Payroll Service

With complex tax, wage, and labor laws, there is a lot that goes into paying your nanny. Rather than take on the stress and burden of paying your nanny legally, not to mention the time involved, many families sign up with a nanny payroll service. Here’s how to find the best nanny payroll services to make sure your nanny is paid legally and compliance is taken care of.

Why it’s a Bad Idea to Pay a Nanny Half on and Half off the Books

Why it’s a Bad Idea to Pay a Nanny Half on and Half off the Books

For a few reasons, like qualifying for a health insurance subsidy or taking home more money, a nanny may want to be paid half on and half off the books. This may seem like a reasonable compromise especially if you like the caregiver. Plus, you save on taxes too. Everyone is happy. Right? Here are four key reasons why this is a bad idea even if well-intentioned.

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