Blog Category:

Household Payroll & Taxes

Paying Your Nanny: A Legal Checklist

Paying Your Nanny: A Legal Checklist

Our guide breaks down the essential steps to pay your nanny legally. From determining pay rates and classifying your nanny as an employee to understanding tax obligations and workers’ compensation, we’ve got you covered. Ensure a smooth and compliant employment relationship with your nanny.

How to Pay Nanny Taxes Yourself

How to Pay Nanny Taxes Yourself

When you hire someone to work in your home, you become an employer. And with that designation comes employment tax responsibilities, which are commonly called “nanny taxes.” So how do you pay nanny taxes and make sure everything is correct? There are a few ways to tackle this including doing it yourself. If you’re ready to take this on, here are 7 steps to paying nanny taxes yourself.

Nanny Wants to Be Paid Under the Table?

Nanny Wants to Be Paid Under the Table?

The awesome nanny you plan to hire wants to be paid off the books. You know the risks but do you take a chance and go along with your nanny? Nannies, however, often don’t see the bigger picture when it comes to being paid legally and what benefits (both immediate and long-term) they may be missing. Here’s what to say to get them on board with legal pay.

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