Travel Insurance for Household Employers

Travel Insurance for Household Employers

Do you take international business trips or go on vacation outside the country with your family? Are you concerned that your health insurance policy won’t apply outside of the U.S.? Let us help you stay covered! Travel insurance for household employers even covers foreign employees when they first arrive in the U.S. on a work visa or permit.

Protection Away from Home

GTM has partnered with GeoBlue, an independent licensee of the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association, to offer travel insurance policies to our household clients who travel internationally.

Travel medical insurance policies pick up where your primary health plan leaves off, acting as your primary insurance while abroad. These policies offer more than just emergency benefits, covering physician office visits, ambulance services, prescription medications, and expensive items such as hospitalizations and surgeries. Some plans even cover sickness or injury due to a terrorist event or a pre-existing medical condition and pay overseas medical providers directly so you can avoid hassles and red tape.

GeoBlue’s policies can be used for you, your family members, and household employees who accompany you on your trip. GeoBlue can also help if you have a foreign employee coming to the U.S. on a work visa or permit, providing medical coverage until they get established here and can apply for their own health insurance or have you provide them with coverage.

GeoBlue has four different plans to choose from:

GeoBlue Voyager Single Trip

Sickness, accident, and medical evacuation benefits for leisure, business, and student travel:

  • Covers illness or injury due to terrorism
  • Pre-existing conditions coverage available

GeoBlue Trekker Multi-Trip

Annual multi-trip health insurance for frequent travelers:

  • Unlimited trips throughout the year (70 days maximum per trip)
  • One-time yearly premium

GeoBlue Xplorer

Comprehensive insurance for international living:

  • Available to U.S residents, including citizens and foreign nationals
  • Unlimited lifetime maximum

GeoBlue Navigator

Comprehensive health plan to fit the budget and lifestyle of marine/crew, missionary, and student markets:

  • Affordable monthly premium
  • No limit on time spent in or out of the U.S.

Learn more about travel insurance for household employers or get a quote from GeoBlue.

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