Hiring a new employee? You’re likely familiar with Form I-9, but are you also utilizing E-Verify? These two tools are used when hiring a household employee to ensure a legal workforce. Let’s look at form I-9, a legal requirement, and E-Verify, optional, and how to implement them into your hiring process.
What is Form 1-9?
Form I-9, also known as the “Employment Eligibility Verification”, is a required document used to verify a potential employee’s identity and confirm they are eligible to work in the U.S. The 1986 Immigration Reform and Control Act makes all U.S employers, including household employers, responsible for verifying eligibility. The Form I-9 process requires all employees to complete Section 1 attesting to their employment authorization and present original documents that establish both identity and employment authorization from a list of acceptable documents.
What is E-Verify?
E-Verify is an online system that allows employers to confirm the employment eligibility of their newly hired employees. It works hand in hand with Form I-9 but is not required for all household employers. However, it is recommended to ensure compliance. Employers use the information given on Form I-9 and input it into a database that compares it to records from the Department of Homeland Security and the Social Security Administration. The system then provides results within seconds, confirming the employee’s work status. Selective use of E-Verify is not allowed, so if you choose to use it for one employee, you must use E-Verify for every employee hired after the initial use.
Timeline For Completing I-9
It’s a best practice to begin the I-9 process as soon as a hiring decision is made to help ensure compliance. The form must be signed no later than the employee’s first day of work. You can download the form from the USCIS website. The employee must present the employer with two original forms of identification from a list of acceptable documents within three days of employment. From this, the employer can decide whether to utilize E-Verify or not.
GTM Can Help
We provide expert guidance on Form I-9 and all aspects of household employment compliance. Call us at (800) 929-9213 for a complimentary, no-obligation consultation with a household employment expert. Or schedule time with us at your convenience.
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