Terminating Your Nanny

Mar 31, 2014 | Household Employer Policies, Household Payroll & Taxes

terminating your nannyAll good things, and possibly some bad things, must come to an end. One of the most difficult aspects of being an employer is to face the end of an employee relationship, whether terminating your nanny or other household employees or dealing with a resignation. The most important thing to remember is to always end an employee relationship professionally.

There have been some news stories regarding the termination of a celebrity’s nanny, and while high-profile situations like these create headlines, it’s important to remember the proper procedures for non-celebrities as well. There are certain ways to handle the end of a relationship, which should be provided in the household’s employee handbook and the work agreement and should be consistent with relevant laws. The best strategy that an employer can use when terminating an employee, accepting an employee’s resignation, or saying goodbye to an employee is to address the situation as soon as possible and to be honest.

Of course, goodbyes affecting children can have a large impact. The household employer should be involved in communicating a nanny’s departure plans with the household. Household employers may want to work with a departing nanny or other household employees to explain to children why the employee is leaving, what his or her plans are and how the change may affect the children and the household. Recognize that there can be a positive ending when one employee leaves, and take the necessary time to prepare the household for a new hire.

Firing an employee is an uncomfortable situation for many employers and their employees. Unless carefully planned, firing an employee can be downright difficult for the employer. Be prepared to show support and documentation to prove legitimate cause for termination—and take care that all employees are treated equally.

Download GTM’s Termination Best Practices Checklist to ensure that you follow proper procedures for terminating your nanny or other household employees. Please contact GTM’s Household Employment Experts for more information.

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