Household employees in Colorado will soon be protected by the state’s anti-employment discrimination law. Effective in August, the Colorado Anti-Discrimination Act will make it illegal for household employers to discriminate against a worker for disability, race, sex, sexual orientation, religion, age, and nationality.
Blog Category:
Labor Laws
Here’s Your Household Employment Compliance Update for 2022
It’s been a busy first half of the year in household employment compliance. Here’s what’s happened, what’s new, and what’s coming in 2022.
Stricter Requirements Added to Illinois Domestic Worker Bill of Rights
Day of rest and meal break amendments to Illinois’ One Day Rest in Seven Act (ODRISA) have big implications for household employment in the state. ORDISA is one of four bills that make up the state’s Domestic Worker Bill of Rights. Here’s what household employers need to know to avoid the increased penalties for violations of the law.
Household Employees Eligible for Paid Family and Medical Leave under New Maryland Law
Paid family and medical leave is coming soon for household employees in Maryland. Here’s what families with household help – like a nanny, housekeeper, or nanny share – need to know about the new compliance requirement.
New Law Establishes Hotline for Sexual Harassment Complaints in New York State
New York State recently enacted a new law that establishes a confidential, toll-free hotline for employees to call with workplace sexual harassment complaints. Once this law goes into effect and the hotline goes live by July 14, employers – including household employers – must notify their workers of the hotline.
New Chicago Ordinance Requires Written Contracts for Household Employees
Under a new city ordinance, all household employers in Chicago must now provide their workers with a written contract that includes wage information and work schedule. The rule went into effect on January 1, 2022.
How Paid Sick Leave Laws Apply to Household Employment
Paid sick leave laws often include families with household help like a nanny, senior caregiver, or housekeeper. Here’s a look at what is relevant for household employers and how you can comply with these requirements.
New York’s HERO Act Imposes New Employer Requirements to Help Prevent Spread of Airborne Infectious Diseases
The HERO Act requires employers in New York State, including families with household help, to develop safety plans that help prevent the spread of airborne infectious diseases in the workplace.
Virginia Passes Three Domestic Worker Protection Bills
The group of bills, called Virginia’s domestic workers bill of rights, expands employment rights and workplace protections and safety for household employees in the state.