Household Employment Hazards Podcast

GTM Payroll Services Founder and CEO Guy Maddalone recently joined the GutWizdom radio show to discuss household employment hazards and the rules and regulations that families need to follow if they employ domestic help. Paying domestic employees cash under the table, or not having the proper insurance can lead to steep fines or worse.

Guy shared several of his “wizdoms” for household employers gleaned from his 30 years in the domestic employment industry as well as from his books How to Hire a Nanny and How to Hire a Caregiver for Your Senior.

It’s a must-listen for families that have a nanny, senior caregiver, housekeeper or other domestic employees.

If you’re commiting these household employment hazards and would like to avoid fines and penalties for non-compliance, call us at (800) 929-9213.

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