CPA and Financial Partners

CPA and Financial Partners

Providing payroll services for clients with household employees such as nannies, housekeepers, or senior care companions, can be time consuming, taking you away from your core practice. However, outsourcing means finding a firm you can trust to match your commitment to your clients.

GTM Payroll Services is your ideal partner. We have specialized in household payroll ever since our founding in 1991. Today, we process more than $1B in payroll every year for more than 30,000 employees. Fortune 500 companies trust us to manage household payroll for their executives and clients.

When you partner with GTM Payroll Services, we take on all the administrative tasks associated with household payroll, including:

  • Paycheck distribution through direct deposit or live check
  • Electronic tax filings or signature-ready returns
  • Year-end tax service, including Schedule H, W-2, and W-3
  • Compliance with federal and state tax, labor, and wage laws

With GTM, you stay in control of your clients’ payroll and tax information through an online, self-service portal. Our world-class data hosting center and multilayered security controls secure your data from improper usage and identity theft.

Unlike most payroll firms, we also offer:

  • Workers’ compensation insurance, a requirement for household employers in many states
  • Employer protection and employee theft insurance
  • Health, dental, and vision insurance
  • Time and attendance systems
  • Human resources support
  • Advisement for families on payroll, tax, wage and insurance requirements and labor law

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If you are interested in partnering with GTM or learning more about our referral program, contact us at [email protected] or (800) 929-9213.​

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