Household HR Services

Household HR Services

Household employment is a business. It’s the smooth and sound operation of your most important organization – your home. It’s also your employee’s livelihood. Neither your household nor your worker’s employment should be taken lightly. It’s not enough to simply hire an employee. To ensure a safe and happy home, you must ensure a safe and happy workplace, which can be accomplished by following and implementing human resource practices in your household. GTM Payroll Services can help with our household HR services.

GTM Household HR Concierge Service

Designed exclusively for household employers and managers, GTM’s Household HR Concierge Service will help you retain top personnel, hire the best fits for your positions, and comply with labor laws. You’ll see increased employee performance and satisfaction and can mitigate the risk of an employee lawsuit or financial penalties for violating tax, wage, or labor laws. Best of all, you’ll have peace of mind in your home.

You’ll have one point of contact who will work with you in a number of areas, including:

  • Human resources consulting
  • Employee management
  • Compliance and administration
  • Insurance
  • Employee benefits

With GTM’s Household HR Concierge Service, you’ll create a professional workplace with best-in-class hiring and employee management practices. Learn more about GTM’s Household HR Concierge Service (PDF).

GTM Household HR services

Household HR Handbook

How to Hire a Nanny: Your Complete Guide to Finding, Hiring, and Retaining Household Help, written by GTM Founder and CEO Guy Maddalone, provides guidance and insight on human resource procedures for household employment. Get practical insight on best practices for managing household employees.

Household Employee Documents

GTM can customize your employee handbook, job descriptions, and work agreements written specifically for the household employment industry.

Employee Background Checks

You can select from several background checks or choose all. Services include criminal checks, credit checks, driving records, social security tracking, and reference checks.

Labor Posters

Our labor poster service eliminates the work, worry, and expense of maintaining labor law compliance. We email updated postings for every mandatory or recommended federal, state, county, and city change.

Immigration Checks

Using the E-Verify program, GTM will verify your employees’ employment eligibility after hire to determine whether the information they provide matches government records and whether your new hire is authorized to work in the United States.

New York State Sexual Harassment Prevention Training

Household employers in New York State must adopt a sexual harassment prevention policy and provide employees with sexual harassment prevention training.

Training would then need to be conducted on an annual basis.

To help you comply with this new regulation, GTM Payroll Services offers online sexual harassment prevention training videos that are compliant with New York State and New York City.

As the law requires, training includes videos for you (as your employee’s manager) and your workers. Training videos are also available in Spanish..

With GTM’s online training, employees can train at their own pace, access the course at any time from a personal computer, laptop, or tablet, and receive a certificate of completion when they finish the course. You’ll also be compliant with the training aspect of New York State’s sexual harassment prevention regulation.

Sexual harassment prevention training is just $29 annually for each active employee.

Clients of GTM Payroll Services can sign up online for this service:

1. Log in to your account.

2. Choose the Services page under Products & Services.

3. Select “yes” for NYS sexual harassment prevention training.

4. Go to your employee’s profile pages and then the tax withholdings section.

5. Select “yes” under “Sign up for NYS Harassment Training?”

6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 for each of your employees.

You can also sign up by contacting us at (800) 929-9213 or [email protected].

Download Overview of Household HR Concierge Service

household hr concierge service

Contact Us

If you have any questions or would like to set up a household HR service or our Household HR Concierge Service, contact us today.

Call Us
(800) 929-9213

Mon – Fri 8:30 am – 8 pm ET

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