Tax Deduction for Weight Loss
It’s hard getting motivated to lose weight, but here’s something that might help: The IRS recognizes obesity as a disease and allows taxpayers to deduct certain weight-loss expenses. (IRS Revenue Ruling 2002-19) Prior to this ruling, individuals could...
Illinois Pregnancy Fairness Law
Since January 1 of this year, Illinois employers with one or more employees – which includes household employers – needed to begin providing accommodations for pregnant employees and new mothers. The pregnancy accommodation law, also known as the Illinois...
Home Office Tax Deductions
Setting up an office in your home? Generally, in order to claim any home office tax deductions, you must use the space exclusively as your principal place of business, or as a place to meet with patients, clients, or customers. If you’re self-employed as a sole...
Washington DC Pay Rate Notices in Effect
Following up on information we reported in December, Washington D.C. employers, including household employers and temporary staffing agencies, must comply with a new amendment to the Washington D.C. Wage Theft Prevention Act of 2014. For household employers,...