Many people are familiar with online classified ad sites, such as Craigslist. These are low cost, easy to use, and work much like posting an ad on a college bulletin board or in the local newspaper. These sites also advertise local nannies and families looking for...
Many household employers mistakenly assume that because the employment of domestic work is within their own home, they are unlikely to get caught paying their employee illegally. Because there is a long history of household employment being paid in this way, many...
There is an option that makes it simpler for qualifying taxpayers to include a home office tax deduction. The IRS announced a simplified option that many owners of home-based businesses and some home-based workers may want to use to figure their deductions for the...
Credit history for nannies and other household employees is very important if they are ever planning to apply for a loan, buy a car, buy a house, or have a credit card. A nanny who accepts wages “under the table” will not have a legal employment history or credit...
Connecticut, Minnesota, West Virginia, Delaware, Maryland, and Washington D.C. have recently increased their minimum wage requirements. All of these increases will take place gradually over a certain number of years. Household employers who pay their employees minimum...
Under the New York City paid sick leave law, in effect as of April 1, 2014, domestic employers are required to give eligible employees a Notice of Employee Rights created by the Department of Consumer Affairs. Existing employees that have been employed before April 1,...