Deciding to pay a nanny or other household employee hourly vs. salary wages is another key element of household employment. Generally, most household employees are paid an hourly wage, especially those that work part-time. This allows for more accurate record-keeping...
It is extremely important that from the beginning, all discussions about wages between household employer and household employee clearly state whether the pay will be gross or net wages. Many nannies and employees who work in the home are not aware of the tax...
In the United States, hiring a non-citizen is common for household employers, largely for financial reasons, and many hire people not legally authorized to work in this country. Household employers should only hire people who are legally authorized to work in the...
The household employment industry is working to establish a professional structure around a very informal situation. The perception of the household occupation and the role within the home is often different for employers and employees. Many employers view hiring a...
Household employers struggle with their home being both a personal residence and a workplace for others. The U.S. government enforces many laws and regulations that protect workers against discrimination, with California and Hawaii both recently adopting workers’...
There are many concerns to consider when you are involved in hiring a nanny or other household employee, as well as many legalities to abide by to ensure equitable and fair employment opportunities. By taking the hiring process one step at a time, you can proceed with...