Whether you are hiring a household manager to maintain an estate, a senior care provider to tend to a disabled parent, or a nanny to care for young children, you are working to ensure that your home is happy, secure, and comfortable. Maintaining a committed and...
There are many concerns to consider when you are involved in hiring a nanny or other household employee, as well as many legalities to abide by to ensure equitable and fair employment opportunities. By taking the hiring process one step at a time, you can proceed with...
The IRS defines a household employer as any person who employs housekeepers, maids, gardeners, and others who work in and around an individual’s private residence. A nanny is an example of such an employee. In becoming a household employer, it is critical that you...
Q: My nanny wants to get a tattoo. Can I ask her not to do so, or require that she cover it while in my home? A: An issue like this warrants a discussion with your nanny, and in this case it’s fortunate that she brought up the idea with you beforehand, as...
Our friends at A New England Nanny have created a guide for nannies and other household employees regarding social media tips for not only getting a job, but for also maintaining a good employment relationship. Most employers today – including household...
Most people are now aware that if they receive an email from someone claiming to be a Nigerian prince who wants to give them thousands of dollars in exchange for their bank account information, they know it’s a scam. Unfortunately, many scams still exist that are not...