Quarantine, Isolation and Stay at Home Orders: What These Terms Mean and Why They’re Different

Quarantine, Isolation and Stay at Home Orders: What These Terms Mean and Why They’re Different

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought us a new vocabulary with terms like quarantine, isolation, stay at home, and more now becoming part of our everyday language. Each of these terms has a specific – and often legal – meaning. However, they’re often interchanged, which can cause confusion. Here’s why it’s important to know the differences.

5 Things to Know about Child Care Guilt

5 Things to Know about Child Care Guilt

Experiencing child care guilt because you’re leaving your child with a nanny? That’s perfectly normal and is experienced by many working parents. It can be a good thing that you’re working, and your child is with another loving caregiver. Here’s how to manage those feelings.

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