Apr 10, 2020 | COVID-19, GTM Blog, Household Employee Management
The COVID-19 pandemic has brought us a new vocabulary with terms like quarantine, isolation, stay at home, and more now becoming part of our everyday language. Each of these terms has a specific – and often legal – meaning. However, they’re often interchanged, which can cause confusion. Here’s why it’s important to know the differences.
Mar 19, 2020 | GTM Blog
GTM looks to help those on the front lines of the health crisis by removing the hassles of hiring a nanny and paying employees the right way.
Feb 7, 2020 | GTM Blog, Parenting
A Valentine’s Day evening at home can be just as romantic as a night out. Here are 8 stay-at-home date night ideas for parents on Valentine’s Day.
Jan 14, 2020 | GTM Blog, Household Payroll & Taxes
Owe nanny taxes? Here are six steps plus one bonus piece of advice for organizing your nanny taxes and being prepared when you need to file your return.
Nov 22, 2019 | GTM Blog, Parenting
It doesn’t matter the ages of your children. You’re never too young to volunteer. There are plenty of age-appropriate ways to give back to your community as a family and reap the benefits of volunteering.
Oct 4, 2019 | GTM Blog, Maternity Leave, Parenting
Experiencing child care guilt because you’re leaving your child with a nanny? That’s perfectly normal and is experienced by many working parents. It can be a good thing that you’re working, and your child is with another loving caregiver. Here’s how to manage those feelings.