Aug 14, 2020 | COVID-19, GTM Blog
Have someone working in your home? Hosting a microschool, learning pod, or nanny share? Regular cleaning and disinfecting of your home can help slow the spread of the coronavirus. Here’s how you can safely clean your house.
Aug 7, 2020 | GTM Blog, Hiring an Employee, Parenting
Change can be hard. Especially if a beloved caregiver is moving on or needs to be let go. Transitioning to a new nanny can be difficult. Here are some helpful tips that can help ease the change for you, your children, and your new nanny.
Jul 17, 2020 | COVID-19, GTM Blog, Parenting
Wearing a face covering is an important way for all of us – including children – to help slow the spread of the coronavirus. While it may be hard for a child to put on a mask, the more knowledge they have, the better chance for success. Here are 8 tips to help your child wear a mask in public.
Jun 2, 2020 | GTM Blog
GTM Payroll Services has always cherished contributions from all human beings regardless of their ethnicity, creed, or origin. Unfortunately, racial injustice, including in our criminal justice system, and income inequality does exist in the U.S. The toll this takes on our minority communities is not acceptable.
May 22, 2020 | COVID-19, GTM Blog
The IRS is providing employees with more options for unused amounts in their DCAPs including an extended period for incurring expenses as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.
May 18, 2020 | COVID-19, GTM Blog
How prepared is your agency when demand for your services picks up after this health crisis eases? While your business may be down right now, it’s an ideal time to determine your strategy for when times are better – because they will get better.