GTM’s Household Employment Blog
Top 5 Nanny Tax Questions
The information below is devoted to providing answers to some basic nanny tax questions, including payroll and other legal obligations for household employers. Although nannies are the only type of household employees mentioned, the information applies to any...
Hiring a Non-Citizen
In the United States, hiring a non-citizen is common for household employers, largely for financial reasons, and many hire people not legally authorized to work in this country. Household employers should only hire people who are legally authorized to work in the...
Household Employer Personnel Practices
The household employment industry is working to establish a professional structure around a very informal situation. The perception of the household occupation and the role within the home is often different for employers and employees. Many employers view hiring a...
Household Employers: Affordable Care Act FAQ
At this point, most employers understand the basics of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) but they may still have questions about many of its details. The IRS recently issued a series of Q&As to help answer some specifics. Here are selected questions from the IRS,...
Preventing Discrimination in the Workplace
Household employers struggle with their home being both a personal residence and a workplace for others. The U.S. government enforces many laws and regulations that protect workers against discrimination, with California and Hawaii both recently adopting workers’...
Keep Your Payroll Safe When Disaster Strikes
Recent storms have been hammering various parts of the country, leaving thousands without power, even now as they continue to recover. These types of unforeseen disasters not only affect people’s personal lives, but they can also severely impact you as a household...
Tax Savings for Parents
From Eight Tax Savers for Parents Your children may help you qualify for valuable tax benefits. Here are eight tax benefits parents should look out for when filing their federal tax returns this year. Dependents. In most cases, you can claim your child as a...
Nanny Job Descriptions
There are many concerns to consider when you are involved in hiring a nanny or other household employee, as well as many legalities to abide by to ensure equitable and fair employment opportunities. By taking the hiring process one step at a time, you can proceed with...
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